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Vinyl Liner Care


Important Information Regarding Sunscreen & Your Vinyl Liner. We all understand the dangers of the sun. It’s no secret that prolonged exposure to UV rays leads to sunburn and increases the risk of skin cancer. It’s also common knowledge that protecting your family and yourself with sunscreen is especially important. But did you know that some sunscreens contain chemical ingredients that may have adverse effects on your pool liner? 

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Opening Your Pool

Most people put off the process of opening their pools until it is time for it to be used. Therefore, when the pool is first uncovered, the pool water is usually an ugly shade of green. So what is the natural tendency? Throw a ton of chemicals in the water to clean it up as soon as possible. This is exactly the wrong way to go about it.

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Magic Sponge Cleaning Pads

We advise against using Magic Eraser-style cleaning sponges on vinyl pool liners. Their abrasive nature can potentially damage the liner, leading to premature wear and discoloration. Instead, for safe and effective cleaning, consider using a soft white rag, microfiber towel, or our specially formulated Tile and Waterline cleaner available in our online store.

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Winterizing Your Pool

What is the most vinyl friendly way to winterize a vinyl lined pool? It is fairly simple. Use the absolute minimum amount of chemicals that will allow the desired effect. Do not shock your pool using Trichlor (hypochlorite is safer) and circulate the pool water for 72 hours before shutting down.

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Automatic Pool Covers

Due to the relatively tight fitting nature of automatic pool covers they can allow for a buildup of heat and chlorine in the head space above the pool water and below the underside of the cover.

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Salt Water Chlorine Generators

Many homeowners who have been sold saltwater chlorine generators do not realize that their system is indeed a chlorine generator and not simply the use of salt to sanitize their pool.

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Termites and Ants

For many years now it has been known and proven that termites and ants will sometimes attack a vinyl pool liner. It is suspected that termites are attracted to the pool area due to dampness in the soil around the pool.

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Color Fading Below the Water Line

There can be many contributing factors that lead to the fading of your liner. All of those factors can be grouped under the heading of chemical attack, however the leading cause is simply over chlorinating. Just as excessive use of bleach will fade your clothes, over chlorinating of your pool water will greatly accelerate the fading of your liner.

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Pattern Flaking

To understand why the pattern may flake off, there must be a basic understanding of the procedures involved in the printing of your pool liner. The print pattern is applied by a process called "roto-gravure" printing.

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Trichlor Sanitizers

If Trichlor Sanitizer is Used in a Vinyl Lined Pool:

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Taking Proper Care of Vinyl Liners

Recommendations for the Care of Your Vinyl Liner
1) Maintain proper water balance:
(a) pH in the 7.2 to 7.6 range.
(b) Total alkalinity at 100-150 ppm.
(c) Calcium hardness: 200 ppm minimum.

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Discoloration, Deterioration and "Dry Rot" Above the Water Line

In most cases, these three problems are different stages of the same phenomenon. The cause of these problems are many and varied, but have a universal theme.

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Wrinkling of Vinyl

Our vinyl manufacturer has invested a great deal of time and money into discovering the causes of and the prevention of wrinkling. Wrinkles that develop in swimming pool liners after installation are caused by the vinyl absorbing water and thereby changing dimensions.

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Bacteria and Fungus Stains

Some types of bacteria and fungus found in the soil can actually penetrate through a vinyl liner and cause stains to appear on the liner. Usually they will start off as spotted or cloud-like formations on the liner. Algaecides used in the pool water have little if any effect on the stains caused frombacteria, since it does not get to the source of the bacteria in the soil.

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Staining & Discoloration of the Vinyl Below the Water Line

The most common cause of staining and discoloration of your liner below the water line is secretions by micro-organisms. As these micro-organisms feed, they secrete dyes, which can be one of many colors that stain the vinyl. Although these stains are unsightly, they in no way degrade the performance of the vinyl.

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Safety Cover Care

Keeping the Cover Tight

It’s important that the cover stays taut, when it is in use. It needs to be tight enough so that nothing can get beneath it, by accident.

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Cleaning the cover

Cleaning the cover when you remove it will keep it from getting moldy and to keep it looking good.

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Removing debris

Removing leaves and debris from your cover will prevent excess stress on the cover.

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Melting caused by intense glare

Holes and burns in safety covers caused by intense glare from reflection of windows and stainless steel.

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Maintaining Proper Water Levels

When the cover is installed, the water levels should be set around 15” - 18” below the cover. You don’t want the water level too high for safety reasons.

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Cleaning the Anchor Sleeves

By cleaning the anchors when you install and/or remove the cover, you will save yourself a lot of trouble and ensure they continue to work smoothly.

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What Not to Do

To ensure your safety cover’s longevity, here are some things you should avoid.

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Folding and Storing Your Safety Cover

Follow these simple steps when folding and storing your safety cover.

Things you need:

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