Does Tara sell to dealers?
We do not sell directly to dealers. Tara pool liners and safety covers are available from nearly every distributor at locations across the country. If you are having trouble finding a distributor in your area, please contact us.
Can I place an order online?
You can use Tara 24/7 to order pool liners, safety covers and safety cover replacement parts any time day or night. Orders placed online are sent directly to Tara and your distributor. This expedites the process and eliminates order entry errors.
How do I reorder a Tara liner?
We keep an archive of all our drawings so if you have the serial number for the liner we can easily manufacture a new liner using the existing files. The serial number can usually be found on the back side of the bead of the liner. If the serial number isn’t on the bead you can check the shallow end break.
What is a Tab?
The tab is a triangular shaped flap or tab of material that is added to the back side of the liner that is designed to be used as a guide for positioning the liner in the pool. You can refer to the drawings on the top of our box to see where the tabs should be positioned in the pool.
If the liner is not fitting properly, what should I do?
Contact Tara immediately if the liner does not appear to fit. Do not put water in the pool! It is not possible to repair a liner after it has become wet.
Does Tara make liners to fit in gunite or fiberglass pools?
We will evaluate liner orders for pools that are being converted from a concrete or fiberglass pool to a vinyl liner pool. Due to the complex nature of these pools, primarily those with benches, stairs, multiple radius or uneven surfaces, we cannot guarantee that you will be satisfied with the liner. If we determine that we cannot assemble a liner that you will be proud of, we reserve the right to refuse to build the liner.
Do you accept verbal approvals of approval drawings?
We do not accept verbal approvals. We require a signature on the approval drawing before the order will go into production.
Can I install a vinyl pool liner in any temperature?
You should not install a vinyl liner when it is too cold, below 55 degrees. The vinyl is not pliable enough and will not fit well. If it is too hot, the vinyl can be too stretchy and cause wrinkles. If it is over 90 degrees, try installing the liner early in the morning or late afternoon when it is cooler and avoid the full sun.
Do I need to drain the pool in order to measure it?
You need to be able to see the walls and sides of the pool in order to get an accurate measurement. In cases where the water is muddy and you can’t see the floor, it’s better to drain the water than have an incorrect depth measurement.
How do I reorder a safety cover?
Just like our liners, a safety cover can be reordered with the serial number of the existing cover. To find the serial number on the existing safety cover, look for the labels stitched beneath the cover in the deep and shallow end or for covers made before 2015, the serial number is printed on the rub strips.
Do I need to remove the springs from a safety cover template before sending it in to Tara?
Yes, there is a $75 charge if you leave the springs on your old safety cover when you send it in to be measured for a new Tara Safety Cover.
How long do you store safety cover templates?
Templates will only be held for two weeks after they are quoted. If you need your template returned, prior arrangements MUST BE MADE at the time the RMA is issued. There is a $150 charge, plus freight, if you want the template returned but you don’t order a new Tara safety cover.