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Taking Proper Care of Vinyl Liners

Recommendations for the Care of Your Vinyl Liner
1) Maintain proper water balance:
(a) pH in the 7.2 to 7.6 range.
(b) Total alkalinity at 100-150 ppm.
(c) Calcium hardness: 200 ppm minimum.
2) Maintain free chlorine residual between 1.0 and 1.5 ppm. If free chlorine drifts below 1.0 ppm algae and bacterial growth can take hold more easily and may cause staining of the vinyl liner. Chlorine is quickly absorbed by sunlight. For this reason it is recommended that all vinyl swimming pools be stabilized with cyanuric acid and that a range of 25-100 ppm of cyanuric acid be maintained.
3) A pH of less than 7.0 should be especially avoided, since it can cause the liner to form wrinkles.
4) Avoid using muriatic acid for pH adjustment. This acid will chemically attack the print pattern on the liner and in time will make it more susceptible to wearing off due to abrasion. It is recommended that sodium bisulfate be used for pH adjustment.
5) Test for the presence of dissolved metals in your water supply. If metals are present then check once a month; if no metals are present then check every six months. Dissolved metals may cause staining of the liner directly or indirectly. Follow manufacturer’s recommendation concerning the use of chelating materials to inactivate dissolved metals.
6) For cleaning the area above the water line we recommend using an alkaline based cleaner. These cleaners are more vinyl friendly than the harsh acid based cleaners available to the market. Under any circumstance, use only products specifically recommended for cleaning vinyl liner pools. Do not use household cleaners on your vinyl liner!!!
7) Don’t use any abrasive cleaning agents or cleaning aids (i.e., steel wool, sharp bristled brushes, scouring pads, etc.). We recommend using products manufactured specifically for the cleaning and protection of vinyl pool liners.
8) During the swimming season, we recommend circulating the water in the pool for at least 18 out of every 24 hours. This will help keep the chemicals mixed in the water and eliminate a build up of high chlorine or other chemicals in the plumbing, pump, filter, and the automatic in-line chlorinator, if one has been installed on the pool. Lack of circulation can cause chemicals, especially chlorine, to settle on the floor of the pool liner and cause bleaching or other damage to the liner. Damage to the liner caused from lack of circulation, filtration or improper chemical balances is not covered under warranty.
9) When winterizing your pool:
(a) Circulate the pool water for at least 24 hours after the final addition of chemicals. Even liquid chlorine can concentrate in the deep end and cause bleaching of the liner.
(b) Your chlorine level should not exceed 2.0 ppm.
(c) Don’t lower the water below the skimmer. Place a GIZZMO or a weighted plastic milk carton in your skimmer to protect it from freeze damage. Once a pool has been filled with water, the liner begins to lose it’s stretching properties; therefore, the pool should be kept at a normal water level at all times. The water acts as a protector for the liner and holds the liner in it’s proper position thus eliminating any re-stretching and drying out of the vinyl. Follow manufacturer’s recommendation concerning winterizing your plumbing and the pump & filter.

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