By Thomas Kennedy on Friday, 01 July 2016
Category: Safety Covers

Caring for your Safety Cover

A safety cover doesn’t require much maintenance when it is in use. Most of the upkeep takes place when you put it on and remove it. With a little care and attention during these two times, you can keep your cover looking great and working properly for many years.

Keeping the cover tight:

It’s important that the cover stays taught, when it is in use. It needs to be tight enough so that nothing can get beneath it, by accident. A tight fitting cover will also keeps the wind from causing the cover to flap. However, the cover still needs to have some flexibility too. If it is too tight, the weight of snow accumulation can place stress on the cover. We recommend that the springs be compressed about 50% for a mesh cover and 65% - 75% for a solid cover. To adjust the tension, remove the spring from the anchor with the installation tool. Adjust the length of the strap using the D-ring or the buckle and reinstall the anchor.

Cleaning the cover:

Cleaning the cover when you remove it will keep it from getting moldy and to keep it looking good. While it is on, you can usually blow any leaves or debris off with a leaf blower. Then spray it clean with water and use a brush to gently remove any dirt. Do not spray chemical detergent on the cover while it is in use. The chemicals can affect your pool’s chemistry and damage your liner. If the cover needs additional cleaning to remove mold or mildew, this can be done when the cover is off of the pool. It is best to spread it out in the grass, to reduce wear and tear. Then spray it clean with a mild detergent mixed with water. You may need to use a pool brush to remove tough stains. Then rinse off the detergent and allow it to dry.

Maintaining proper water levels:

When the cover is installed, the water levels should be set around 15” - 18” below the cover. You don’t want the water level too high for safety reasons. You also don’t want the water level too low because this can put excess stress on the cover. When snow accumulates on the cover it needs to be able to rest on the surface of the water. If the water level is below 18” it can cause structural damage. You can check the water levels by removing a spring in one of the corners. Just pull back the cover to see the water level and use a hose to add some if necessary.

Solid cover owners need to be aware that a significant amount of water can be pumped out of the pool by the automatic pump. When snow or ice weighs the cover down, water that seeps up from the pool can be pumped out by the automatic pump.

Cleaning anchor sleeves:

By cleaning the anchors when you install and/or remove the cover, you will save yourself a lot of trouble and ensure they continue to work smoothly. They don’t require much care. Just, use a can of compressed air to blow out dust and dirt. Then apply some lubricant like WD-40 or silicone to the threaded anchors. When you remove the cover be sure to screw all of the anchors flush. Not only will this keep the anchors working well, it will keep you from tripping on them or snagging the cover.

What not to do:

To ensure your safety cover’s longevitiy, there are some things that you should not do. Don’t walk on the cover except when cleaning the drain panel or clearing the area around the automatic pump. Walking on the cover puts unnecessary stress on it. We recommend staying off of the cover except in emergencies. That’s what it was designed for. Don’t add chemicals to the pool through the cover. Pull back a corner and add them there. If you do spill chemicals on the cover, rinse it with water immediately. When installing or removing the cover, Don’t drag it on the ground. Dragging the cover over a rough surface can cause tears in the fabric. Don’t store the cover on the ground. Storing it in the cover bag off the ground will keep it dry and away from rodents.

A safety cover is a great investment in the care and safety of your pool. If you follow these steps, you will have a beautiful pool cover that will protect your family and pets all winter. For a handy checklist on closing your pool try this article.

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